Health, Safety & the Environment

Oak Specialist Services will ensure compliance with all statutory, regulatory and legislative requirements and operate in line with best practice guidelines.

Our whole approach to Health and Safety is based on risk assessment processes, ongoing monitoring, control and auditing of activities and performance.  

We are committed to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of all employees and any other person affected by Oak Fire Protection operations is high priority.

To achieve the above objective, we order our activities to avoid hazard and risks and seek the co-operation of all employees and of all subcontractors.  

We provide our personnel with formal safety training and toolbox talks, refresher courses and specific information by way of safety notices.  

Our Environmental policy, supported by our Group Environmental standards, outlines our commitment to reduce our contribution to the emission of global greenhouse gases, preserve natural resources and have continued improvement in environmental performance, and as such incorporates our commitment to improving sustainability. 

We recognise the impact that our activities can have on the environment and are committed to undertaking all of our activities in a sustainable manner.

We achieve this by incorporating sustainability into our Environmental Policy and through providing the appropriate training and guidance to all of our staff.

Blake House, 3 Frayswater Place, Uxbridge, UB8 2AD

Tel: 020 3827 3790

Modern Slavery


Modern Slavery StatementDownload