Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy


This document establishes the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy for Oak Specialist Services Limited.  References in this policy to the ‘Company’ are to Oak Specialist Services Limited. References in this policy to ‘our people’ are to employees of Oak Specialist Services Limited.

This policy applies to all our people. In addition, this policy must be observed by all agency staff, contractors, consultants and any other individual working for, at, or on behalf of, the Company at all levels.


The Company is an equal opportunities employer and we are committed to providing a working environment in which our people are encouraged to realise their full potential and encouraged to be themselves and valued for it. It is our aim to ensure that we attract and retain the best qualified people and treat all job applicants and individuals fairly and on merit. No individual or potential candidate shall receive treatment or consideration which is any more or any less favourable on the grounds of:

• race,

• colour,

• ethnic origin,

• nationality,

• national origin,

• religion or belief,

• sex,

• gender reassignment,

• sexual orientation,

• marriage or civil partnership status,

• age,

• disability,

• pregnancy or maternity.

The effectiveness of the Company will only be improved by developing the skills and abilities of all our people, and this policy aims to achieve that objective and to ensure that all our people are treated with respect and dignity in the workplace.

Equal opportunities plays a key role in addressing skills shortages, helping us to attract and retain knowledge and experience, widening the recruitment pool, encouraging high performing teams, reducing group think and attracting more diversity to our business. Putting the equal opportunities policies into practice will also achieve a number of other benefits including:

• Reducing staff turnover resulting in improved motivation and performance

• Broadening of the ‘talent base’, enabling us to develop our peoples’ abilities faster and further and opening

up the potential for new and flexible approaches

• A healthy and productive inclusive working environment

Legislation and codes

Employees rightly expect to be treated fairly and considerately and this expectation is generally supported by the law;

Galliford Try is committed to and will vigorously enforce this Equal Opportunities Policy and its compliance with the principles of the following (non-exhaustive) legislation:

2010 – Equality Act

1998 – Human Rights Act (as amended)

1970 – Equal Pay Act

1974 – Rehabilitation of Offenders’ Act

1975 – Sex Discrimination Act

1976 – Race Relations Act

1995 – Disability Discrimination Act

2000 – Part time workers’ Regulations

2000 – Race Relations (Amendment) Act

2002 – Fixed-term Employees’ Regulations

2002 – Employment Act

2003 – Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations

2003 – Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations

2006 – Equality Act

2006 – Code of Practice on Racial Equality in Employment

2006 – Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006

2006 – Code of Practice on Racial Equality in Employment

2006 – The Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006

2006 – Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act

2006 – Work and Families Act

The Oak Specialist Services Limited Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy will be brought to the attention of all our people. This Policy does not form part of our people’s contract of employment and may be amended by the Company from time to time. It will be reviewed annually.


Be aware that whenever we are collecting, using, retaining, transferring or disposing of any information about a person (“processing of personal data”) in connection with the subject matter of this policy we have numerous obligations under the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). Any failure to comply with GDPR can have serious results including breach of the person’s rights and financial penalties for the Company. You must not proceed with any processing of personal data unless you have first read and complied with the Group Data Protection Policy, reference HR-POL-004, which can be found on the HR policy page of Galileo. If you have any questions about GDPR

compliance please contact the Group Chief Information Officer, the Head of Information Security and Compliance or Legal Services.


Recruitment and selection

Oak Specialist Services Limited will recruit from all sectors of the community and will seek to ensure, wherever possible, that the composition of its workforce reflects the diversity of the communities in which it operates.

Oak Specialist Services Limited will provide equality of opportunity to all employees and job applicants in all areas of the employment relationship, from advertising, recruitment and selection, training and conditions of service etc.

Job descriptions will include details of the main requirements of the job and will be objective and skill related with wording that does not exclude members of potentially disadvantaged groups. All advertisements, application forms and other recruitment material will clearly state that we are an equal opportunities employer.

Selection will be based solely on merit related to the effective performance of the job. Every individual will be assessed against a set of objective and non-discriminatory criteria which will be directly related to the demands of the job in order to ensure the best possible candidate is appointed. Oak Specialist Services Limited will ensure that employees responsible for selection receive appropriate guidance and training, in order that they do not discriminate, whether consciously or unconsciously, when making these decisions.


Promotion within Oak Specialist Services Limited will be determined solely on merit related to the effective performance of the job. Applicants for promotion will be considered on the basis of their skill, aptitude, experience and suitability for the job in order to ensure the best possible candidate is appointed.

Training & Development

Oak Specialist Services Limited provides training opportunities for all employees. Training is aimed at developing individual employees, improving their ability to do their jobs more effectively and, in turn, improving the efficiency of the company. All employees are eligible to participate in appropriate training and development programmes and will be provided with relevant training assistance to help them compete, on an equal basis, for job opportunities and promotion.

Complaint’s procedure

Any employee who believes that they have been discriminated against, contrary to the spirit of this policy, can pursue a complaint through the Company’s Grievance Procedure.

Every complaint will be investigated and dealt with quickly, sympathetically and without bias. Individuals who make a complaint in good faith will not suffer any further detriment or be victimised as a result of making such a complaint. Full details of the Oak Specialist Services Limited Grievance Procedure can be found in the HR section of the intranet. Alternatively, a complaint may be made through a confidential helpline service provided by Safecall Ltd which is available 24 hours a day. When contacting Safecall, callers will be put in touch with a highly skilled, independent operator who is trained to receive calls about concerns in the workplace. The service is entirely confidential, and callers are not required to give their name. Telephone number 0800 915 1571. Safecall will forward details of all calls in the form of a written report to the Company Secretary and Legal Director for action and investigation.

Any employee who, contrary to this policy, is found to have discriminated against another employee, either directly or indirectly, will be subject to the Oak Specialist Services Limited Disciplinary Procedure which may result in their summary dismissal from the company.


Oak Specialist Services Limited will regularly monitor the effectiveness of the Equal Opportunities Policy to ensure that it is achieving its stated aims. To this end, all employees will be asked to provide information of their sex, ethnic origin, nationality, age, marital status, religion, responsibility for dependants and any disability. The Company undertakes that this information will be used only for monitoring the effectiveness of its equal opportunities policy, and as required during the tendering process to obtain new work. Should any failings in the application of this policy or any inequalities become apparent, positive action will be taken to redress the situation.


Managing Directors and the HR Department have specific responsibility for applying this policy across the business regions and they are accountable to the Board of Galliford Try Holdings plc for its implementation. Any of our people who believe they are being unfairly treated in any way associated with this policy are entitled to and should raise the matter through the grievance procedure.

Training on equal opportunities and diversity will be made available to all employees via the Galliford Try online elearning facility.

All of our people have a responsibility to assist in the implementation of this policy and they should:

• Co-operate with any measures introduced to develop equal opportunities

• Refrain from taking discriminatory actions or decisions which are contrary to any of the grounds identified in this policy

• Not harass, abuse or intimidate other employees contrary to any of the grounds identified in this policy

• Not instruct, induce or attempt to induce or pressurise other employees to act in breach of this policy

Useful Contacts

• HR Hub by telephone on 01455 231828 or by email to HR.Hub@gallifordtry.co.uk

• Local HR contacts for advice and guidance

• Confidential Ethics Helpline on 0800 9151571; this service is provided by a third party, Safecall Ltd, is confidential and callers need not give their name.

Signed for, and on behalf of, Oak Specialist Services Limited:

Chris Vladar, Managing DirectorJan 2023

Blake House, 3 Frayswater Place, Uxbridge, UB8 2AD


Tel: 020 3827 3790

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